Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Yes, this pic was taken on Sunday.  Yes, this pic was taken outside of school.  Yes, this pic deserves a place in this week's window!  Pictured here are the two finalist in the championship round of TDSA's Mishnah Madness Jr.  For more than a month, middle school boys learned over 32,000 mishnayos in an epic competition that brought more reward to the world than any basketball tournament.  The Final Four contestants faced each other this past Sunday answering questions from the Rosh Kollel in front of the gathered crowd cheering everyone on.  Yasher Koach to all the boys for all the learning they did, Rabbi Yehuda Pollack for creating and organizing the event, and all the sponsors that help make it a success.  Mazel Tov to Moshe Foxbrunner on his clutch 3-pointer to clinch the championship win!