Wednesday, December 13, 2023

It was so hard to choose just one pic from this week's Chanukah Festivities.  Each day brought a new height to our school's ruach through Chanukah games, story time, decorations, dancing, food, unique menorahs, and so much more.  In the end, I chose a snapshot that highlights our connected community ruach led by TDSA's faculty. Rebbeim dance together with their talmidim; both expressing utter joy for Chanukah and everything this time of year means.  We are so fortunate to have inspiring mechanchim and connected talmidim!  The above picture shows K-4 students dancing together (special thank you to the YOY senior class for enhancing the dancing).  Later in the event, all boys from K-8th grade danced with joy as one kehila.  It was a beautiful experience!