Torah Day School of Atlanta Home

TDSA is a link in Jewish continuity and a vital fiber of the fabric of the Atlanta Jewish community.

At Torah Day School of Atlanta,

children receive a strong Torah and a robust General Studies education in a warm and nurturing environment. They graduate with a passion for learning, a love of mitzvos and chesed, and a strong connection to Eretz Yisrael. 
Girl holding her first chumash
A sukkah made from cardboard and leaves with a scene inside on display.

Sukkos Sukkos Everywhere!

Torah Day School's Sukkah Contest is underway. As you walk the halls of TDSA it's hard to miss the beautiful and creative sukkos that are lining the hallways. The creativity on display is astounding and no two sukkahs are alike.
A third grade student proudly shows off how long her paper chain is.

How Long is Your Chain?

For the last two weeks TDSA's first through fourth graders have been challenged to stretch a single paper as long as possible by cutting it into a paper chain and using only scissors and tape. We wonder who's chain will be the longest.
A second grade boy drills a hole for the handle on his Esrog Box in shop class with Rabbi Rubin.

Excellent Esrog Boxes

Second grade students built and decorated their own esrog boxes with Rabbi Rubin in shop. They got to drill holes, screw pieces and watch the box come together under their own hands.
A fourth grade student weaves with yarn in art class.

What a Weave

Fourth grade is experiencing a whole new medium in art as they weave creative and colorful projects using different colors and textures of yarn.
Students in Rabbi Cohen's advisory group discuss what items they would bring in order to survive together on a deserted island.

Exploring Empathy in Middle School Advisory

Middle School students completed a fun teambuilding exercised, flexed their kindness muscles by playing "compliment hot potato," explored the concept of empathy, and took empathy self assessments in this week's Middle School Advisory.
Two students stand next to a lightbulb made out of bricks.

Congratulations to our Logo Contest Winner!

TDSA selected its new theme logo, a beautiful design by Maya Dagmi (6G). The logo illustrates our them of Chesed (Kindness) and Achdus (Teamwork) and how these two concepts are wonderfully intertwined.
Boys participate in Mishnah Madness Jr. standing upfront of Judaic books in a library

Mishnah Madness Jr.

Yes, this pic was taken on Sunday. Yes, this pic was taken outside of school. Yes, this pic deserves a place in this week's window!
Boys looking up at eclipse


Look how enthralled these boys are! And who wouldn't be?!?! The last time this happened they were 6 years old. Now they had the benefit of understanding what they are witnessing since they learned all about eclipses in science class.
Calendar with pin on it

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